“Why Men? A Human History of Violence and Inequality”. Book talk

On next June 21st the ARC-GS Amsterdam Research Centre for Gender and Sexuality hosts the presentation of Why Men? A Human History of Violence and Inequality, a book by anthropologist Nancy Lindisfarne (SOAS University London) and writer Jonathan Neale.

Questioning the origin and development of inequality, patriarchal power and warfare, the book «tells a smarter story of humanity, from early behaviours to contemporary cultures […] reveals that humans adapted to live equally, yet the earliest class societies suppressed this with invented ideas of difference. Ever since, these distortions have caused female, queer and minority suffering. But our deeply human instincts towards equality have endured. […] It’s about the privileges humans claim, how they rationalise them, and how we unpick those ideas about our roots. It will change how you see injustice, violence and even yourself» [from ARC-GS website, where you can also register for the book talk].

A digital version of the book is available at the UvA Library, together with other volumes by the same authors.

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